
Max Hartley ’24: Enthusiastic quantum thermodynamics researcher

Maxfield Hartley ’24, physics, is an “exceptionally talented student with a truly inquisitive mi...
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UMBC graduates more Black students who go on to earn doctorates in natural sciences and engineering than any other U.S. college

As a trifecta of crises upended life in 2020, the need for a diverse scientific and medical communit...
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UMBC economics students win 2021 iOme Challenge, a national competition for innovating retirement policy

UMBC’s Heather Quach ‘23, financial economics, and Victor Li ‘23, financial economics and comp...
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Doing their homework: Graduating Retrievers use internships to jumpstart their careers

When the time came to start her college career, Sondheim Scholar Viviana Angelini ‘21 traded in ...
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UMBC students set new record in prestigious Goldwater Scholarships for STEM research

Four UMBC students have been named 2021-2022 Goldwater Scholars, setting a new university record for...
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UMBC’s Danyelle Ireland is named a national Rising Star as champion for transfer students

To read the full press release from UMBC News, click here...
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UMBC Alum Kizzmekia Corbett an Integral Part of NIH’s COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts

Read the full press release from NBC News here....
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UMBC gains high praise from Times Higher Ed and Wall Street Journal

Read about UMBC News press release here...
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